books · libraries

Holiday Library Displays for When a Book Tree Isn’t Enough

“Christmas at the Library of Congress,” Architect of the Capitol, December 13, 2012, via Wikimedia.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how we could all use a little more joy in our lives.

When I was young, the library at my school had the best displays seasonal displays. They were bright, creative, and made me never want to leave the shelves. (Which wasn’t all that out of character, now that I think about it.)

To reclaim some of that childlike wonder and to find a little more joy, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite holiday/winter/Christmas/snowflake library displays shared on Instagram.

If you are a fan of all things bookish, you should check out the accounts below. They highlight the many ways that libraries make themselves welcoming to their patrons. And please share any of your own displays! I may not decorate with books, but I appreciate the people who do.

19 thoughts on “Holiday Library Displays for When a Book Tree Isn’t Enough

    1. I know what you mean! I look at these images, and love what folks have created, but I also know that I won’t have a chance to make bookish decorations of my own. Of course maybe that just makes other people’s creations more inspiring.

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