Novel Experiment · writing

Writing Week in Review: 8/6-8/12

Meeting this week’s writing goal was significantly more stressful than I had anticipated. My manuscript is a psychological thriller, and thrillers typically run in the 80,000 word range.* As I have neared the halfway point of this count, it has become obvious that I have to scrap my original plot structure. So this week involved finding a new framework and determining how to reorder the story. Along with all of that, I still had to continue writing. It is with relief and exhaustion that despite all of that restructuring, I can say that I did meet my 5000 word goal. Barely.

New Word Count Goal: 5000

Starting Word Count:26940

Ending Word Count: 32093

Total New Word Count: 5153

Percent Goal Achieved: 103%

Even though it was a pain in my heart and in my fingers, I’m glad that I figured out the new working structure. I had been hitting some writing walls before, but these changes should help resolve those.

Now onward to next week a the creation of a more cohesive narrative!


*I have far too many opinions about the value (or lack thereof) of word ranges for different genres, but a discussion of that will have to wait for another post.

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